I am distressed at how lazy many people are in their service of the Lord. They act like they can come and go as they please, do whatever they want, and then have God pay them with untold riches, fame, and glory.
I could say I hate to disillusion you, but I won't. Rather, I will tell you the truth. God is not our servant. In Mark 8, the disciples forgot to bring bread on the boat. The had only one loaf for everyone. Jesus had just fed 4,000 and earlier 5,000 men plus women and children. This time he did not reward their carelessness but made them make-do with the one loaf.
People do not study the Scriptures every day. They do not pray seriously and when they do it is often for themselves and their family. We are ALL called to be intercessors. We have a world to pray for - the world around us at work, neighborhood, and government as well as the people overseas, some of whom are being treated horribly. We are told to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. That is hard to do in five minutes a day.
People do not follow through when they hear a good message. They love to say how good it was but they do not actually change their lives and DO what the preacher has shown them from the scriptures they must do.
I know a preacher who admitted he was lazy. He did not even promote his city church in nearby hotels where travelers could Coe and hear the gospel. Loved football though. If the church is to be stronger, the leaders have to show by example how that is done.
Whether you are a leader, a follower, or just an ordinary Joe, I urge you to prioritize how you spend your time - reduce TV time, reduce sports time, increase Bible time, prayer time, helping the poor time. BE YE NOT SIMPLY HEARERS OF THE WORD, BUT DOERS! You know Jesus would tell you the same things I am. Spend some quality and quantity time with him and he will doubtless give you more detail and be far more eloquent than I. May God bless you.