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Location: Horsham, Pennsylvania, United States

A "Tentmaking Evangelist" credentialed as a licensed minister (Anchor Bay Evangelistic Association - non-denominational). Co-Founder of Kingdom Gospel Ministries, Inc., founded 1985, with a mission to reconcile people of different racial, ethnic, educational, and economic situations. Currently produces three weekly radio programs - edgy dramas, Sunday morning verse-by-verse Bible expository preaching, and messages derived from current events. He has archived many radio programs and written articles on the Internet and preached at numerous churches. A PA/NJ Architect with his own practice begun in 1979, working on a wide variety of projects including churches, academies, convenience stores, residences and more. Helped in property acquisitions and worked with real estate investors. Acutely interested in politics since a teenager with many articles published over the years as well as a long-running political blog. Was an invited writer for Community Voices in the Philadelphia Inquirer. Guest on a Talk Radio show discussing race relations and on "It's Your Call", a TV show with Lynn Doyle dealing with the subject of interethnic marriage.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Lots of preachers and politicians get caught in moral failings.  After being caught, they say they are sorry and it is expected that their spouse will stand beside them and let the most egregious sins be forgiven.  Forgiveness is in the heart of God, and we are mandated to forgive, but is being sorry enough?

I read in Matthew 27 this morning that Judas Iscariot was sorry he betrayed Jesus.  When he saw Jesus condemned as a result of his treachery, he was FILLED with remorse. Not simply remorse that he was caught, as I believe is the real deal behind the seemingly endless moral failing charades, but remorse because he KNEW he was wrong and regretted it.  Yet, Judas was NOT restored to Christ and committed suicide.

GODLY sorrow leads to repentance.  Part of repentance is also being WILLING to be forgiven, and to ACCEPT the forgiveness of Christ.  Many are sorry, but they still go to hell because even though they are SORRY, they do not follow through with the full restoration that Christ wants to bring to them.  Being sorry is a good start, but it is not enough.


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